More Flowers in Bloom at Cornell
As the remaining daffodil petals begin to fall, several new flowers are making an appearance on Cornell's campus.
This Periwinkle has bloomed outside of Stimson Hall on East Ave.
More Periwinkle outside Stimson Hall.
These red tulips have bloomed outside Day Hall, the site of the recent Red Bud Woods protests.
Among the red tulips was a single variegated tulip.
Meanwhile, the dandelions are beginning to change into another familiar form.
have still not been able to identify these flowers, but they now exist in large patches on campus and the Cornell Plantations.
One beautiful patch is across from the bus stop at Statler Hall on East Ave.
Various colored tulips have been planted on the south side of Sage Hall.
Here is another view of the Sage Hall tulips.
Lucy took my picture while we were enjoying the view of the tulips at Sage Hall.
The massive outdoor drinking and partying event known as "Slope Day", although nearby, hadn't defiled this area.
These trees, possibly Hawthornes, line the walkway from Gannett to McGraw Tower.
These flowers were found along the ledge which borders the walkway to McGraw Tower.
The inner structure was very interesting. A tiny green bug can be seen crawling on this one.
Red Bud trees on campus are now covered with buds. They are quite remarkable. This one is next to the Chemical Engineering building.
This tree, possibly an oak variety, stands in front of Willard Straight Hall.
These interesting flowers are blooming on a large bush at the top of the Slope.
Political statements are common both on and off campus. This was found on a bench next to the suspension bridge near the Johnson Art Museum. It says: "I get 3 Iraqi kids per gallon. How bout U!"
The view from the suspension bridge, looking west.
Some pink magnolias, north of the suspension bridge.
Here is the suspension bridge, as seen from the north end.
This house, which borders the north side of the gorge, made me imagine that I was in Europe somewhere!
These small wildflowers, possibly Smooth Aster, are just starting to bloom outside of Risley Hall.
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